4 tips to kill it at your online interview
4 never discussed tips to kill it at your online interview. This is our #CoronavirusPandemic special edition. We are seeing mass recruitments via online mode. From fresher to management, any role, any industry, these tips will help you win the dream job easily.
There are some universal rules for an interview like dressing well, reaching on time, carrying a print out of your CV (in a file) and likewise. Our recruiter friends have shared 4 best kept secrets about what they look for when they interview you via the tiny camera. So, let's begin in the name of Skype and Zoom:
1. Homework
Before you enter the interview room that sometimes gives anxiety attacks to even the bravest and most eligible for the job, know everything about the place.
This is a trick that gives you extra points during the interview. Just Google the company name or the HR who fixed the interview. See the company and other people who are part of the organisation. You can check out for their profiles to see the maximum qualifications, revenue, business model, business dimensions, experiences and other data points. This will help you visualise how the work environment might be. Now, this work environment info is a magical revelation. How? It will help you match the mood of the interviewer.
2. Listen Only Mode
"It is very unpleasant as a recruiter when someone doesn't even want to listen to you :(' they said. You might feel anxious to answer questions. Repeat one sentence in your mind while you are in questions sessions : "Listen first, let them complete first"
If you can manage this, you will have a very good impression and personality makes a greater impact than degrees in today's time. Agree? (Let us know in the comment section below if you agree with Personality>Degree in 2020)
3. Multiple Personality Order
Flexibility as per Sima Aunty from Bombay '' is very important ". We feel the same when it comes to display your strengths. Which according to us is 'Switching between work and play'. We very easily use the power of multiple personalities in our everyday life. For an example: Our behaviour and traits are directed based on the relationship we share with the person. The same is required while you enter a job or switch to a new job. This skill takes lot of experience and time to develop. It needs you to take control of how your brain works and reacts along with understanding other people and their behaviours. This is a trait of the most successful and powerful leaders. This, if you are applying for a leadership role, please make sure you practice the multiple orders of personality. You will be invincible.
One more thing that can make you the strongest candidate is having a killer Resumé and LinkedIn Profile. Check out our services http://www.draftover.com
4. Background Check
It is as important as your dress. Find a very plain yet creative background. Now there is a secret to why background is so important. Suppose you are applying for the post of Vice President of Marketing/Client Servicing. Choosing a background of your home that has elements related to the post. Bookshelf/ Library, Garden (only if you are into gardening) and likewise are some ideal backgrounds.
Now, why? It is because if you choose a background with elements in it, you give the recruiter an option to create some light weighted atmosphere. They might end up saying "Oh beautiful garden" and you can say "Yes nurturing is the least we can do be it at work or in life" ;). Or they can say, "I can see so many books, do you love reading so much?" And you can say (with tons of humility) " Yes, I just try to keep accumulating information. I read online a lot as well". So, can you see what I am trying to say? You can win the heart of your recruiter and become irreplaceable. Remember we told you above "Personality>Degree"